About a year ago, I left the world of municipal city planning and took up community activism as a part time profession. But it's really not gotten off the ground because, at the same time, I also took up amateur domestic sanitation, amateur child caring, amateur chauffeurism, and amateur athletics. The emphasis, if you can't tell, is the amateur.
I am a stay-at-home dad.
But it's taken a ton of work to get this household to the well oiled machine that it is. And when I say well oiled, I mean that everyone is covered with something slick and greasy. I truly am unsure how the human species has survived without professional and highly trained people raising every child until the age of majority.
We also upped the ante. We have decided to live in the urban core of a major American city. The margins for error are narrower and the scope of danger is wide. We have survived for an entire year, and in talking to other parents who stay with their children, we do very well. We have organized activities and no one has been maimed or killed.
But there are things that could be easier. Let's see where they are.