Monday, December 21, 2015

The Kickstarter - Day 12

We survived the weekend and the halfway point of the Kickstarter campaign for Dad's Family Organizing, Event Scheduling, and Household Planning Calendar. In and of itself, surviving the weekend is no small feat, particularly this time of the year. First of all, we are looking down the barrel of two long weeks without regular events or school. Second, we voluntarily extended that vacation by pulling everyone out for a sick day on Friday. Ewok flu, it was.

So, a three day weekend is nothing to sniff at. But it means we are going into the week with birthday parties, Christmas events, and obligations to attend. We have to fit preparations for these into an already packed weekend.
Preparations make you must. Weekend you shall have not.
Also, be never tired of Star Wars references will we become.

Monday, December 14, 2015

The Kickstarter - Day 5

Today, I was going to discuss how interesting certain aspects of the Dad's Calendar Kickstarter setup were. The site has some very thoughtful and gentle ways to make sure you're not a total crank, and if you are, you've at least put some effort into the enterprise.

However, that came to a screeching halt at about 10pm last evening when the five-year-old decided to barf her way down the hallway. This morning we got the older one out the door to school, parked it on the couch for twelve rounds of Octonauts, and I've decided to add an extra sheet of stickers to the calendar. They're going to look like this:

Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Kickstarter - Day 1

On Wednesday, I put up a Kickstarter campaign for Dad's Calendar. Not just Dad's Calendar, it's actually Dad's Giant Family Organizing, Event Scheduling and Household Planning Calendar.


Two interesting notes so far.